- Orthopedics – pre and post-operative
- Rheumatology
- Neurology
- Neuro-pediatrics
- Pediatrics
- Geriatrics
- Psychogeriatrics
- Angiology – lymphatic and venous drainage
- Respiratory physiotherapy
- Sports physiotherapy
- Cardiovascular physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy of the musculoskeletal system
- Physiotherapy of the vestibular system
- Pre and post natal physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy in the handicap and polyhandicap environment
- Vertebrotherapy / temporomandibular joint
- Physiotherapy at home
- Medical fitness

• Inflammatory or non-inflammatory scars
• Surgical scars: Post-surgery for breast cancer, cosmetic, bariatric, etc.
• Skin grafts
• After-effects of burns - ANGIOLOGY:
• Venous insufficiency, Edema, Lymphedema - RHEUMATOLOGY, ORTHOPEDICS & TRAUMATOLOGY:
• Common rheumatology (low back pain, back pain, neck pain)
• Pre/post-operative orthopedics (joint prostheses, ligamentoplasties, etc.)
• Trauma (sprains, immobilization, etc.) - SPORTS PATHOLOGY:
• Aches, contractures, after-effects of muscle injuries - PRE/POST PARTUM:
• Localized fat, sagging skin, cesarean section scar, etc. - FIBROMYALGIA
• Localized fat, sagging skin, cesarean section scar, etc.

- Manual therapy (concept of Maitland and Cyriax)
- Vertebrotherapy
- Myofascial picking
- Kinesio taping and taping
- Dry needling
- Trigger points
- muscle chains
- Bobath
- Electrotherapy (TENS, ultrasound, laser, shock waves)
- Thermotherapy (fango, cryotherapy)
- Joint mobilizations
- Muscle building
- Medical gymnastics
- MTT – muscle building therapy
- Exercise training
- Postural rebalancing
- Back to school
- Weight control (loss and recovery)
- Lymphatic and venous drainage
- PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation)
- MSN (mobilization of the nervous system)
- RPG (global postural rehabilitation)
- Cardiovascular rehabilitation
- Vestibular rehabilitation
- Massage
- Relaxation massage
- Sports massage